• Your Greatest Investment

    You are about to embark on an intellectual journey that will pay dividends for years to come. The rigorous interdisciplinary education The New School offers will help you gain the knowledge, skills, and perspectives you need to confidently set out on your path. Immersed in New York City, you’ll form connections and have experiences with benefits beyond measure. An investment as significant as your education calls for information, planning, and assistance. We’re here to help.

    Determining the Price

    It is important to consider all the costs of attendance before developing a financing plan or applying for aid. Use the information on this page to estimate the cost of attending The New School.

    To get an estimate customized for you, click “SEE MY ESTIMATED COST” below and follow the prompts.

    The calculator will provide an estimate of total cost. It does not include financial aid and other discounts that may be part of your financial picture.

    • XX% of full-time [SCHOOL NAME] students received institutional aid in the YYYY-YY academic year, with an average award of $ZZZZ.
    • On average, the institutional aid award covered AA% of tuition, with aid packages for students receiving aid covering from BB% to CC% of tuition.

    NOTE: Information and estimates on this page are for planning purposes. This is not an official pricing agreement. You will receive an official invoice for billable costs following registration.

Submit your application


To apply to any of our undergraduate programs (except the Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students and Parsons Associate of Applied Science programs) complete and submit the Common App online.

Undergraduate Adult Learners

To apply to any of our Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students and Parsons Associate of Applied Science programs, complete and submit the New School Online Application.


To apply to any of our Master's, Doctoral, Professional Studies Diploma, and Graduate Certificate programs, complete and submit the New School Online Application.
